Cultural Peacemaker
ways of art, ways of life, life as art ...
After years of passionate involvement with several peace groups in Santa Fe, I am still the weaver I once was… only my threads are changing. A cultural peacemaker presents the arts as a thread leading to global peace. In The Third Truth, I gathered artists from the three main cultures of the Middle East who, through the beauty, harmony, and truth of their individual artistic language invoked the shining of a universal spirit. The concert also raised funds for Israeli and Palestinian groups doing healing work between their countries. Generosity in the form of the artists' offering, the audience's donations, and the coalition of Israeli/Palestinian efforts at healing wounds are the true foundation of any peacemaking. In Route 33: The Magic Road, I travel to every corner of New Mexico to connect the people of all 33 counties through a dialog about peace. In The Hiroshima Peace Bell/Heiwa no Kane... I stretch my web further. Through collaboration with various media groups in Japan and northern New Mexico, and with the help of Apple Internet technology, a crowd, packed in the hall of SITESanta Fe, was able to “attend” the yearly Hiroshima Peace Bell ceremony on a huge screen, after which some of us had a direct dialogue with Japanese peace activists.
Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, love, and thought which have enabled man to be less enslaved. — Andre Malraux